Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

Delay is not Necessarily Denial

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations in life where we might feel overwhelmed. It may seem as though giving up is the only way out. Perhaps you are trusting God for a breakthrough in family finance, business, or ministry, or the fulfillment of a prophesy, but the waiting has produced more questions than answers.

Questioning is not wrong as long as you take those questions to the Source of all Truth. The answers will always be right if it is Christ-centered.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of visiting the real-life replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky with my family and some good friends. What an experience it was! It set a lot of things into perspective for me concerning Noah’s ark; the building, the animals and just day-to-day living on the ark in general.

As I was walking through the ark and taking in the magnitude of the magnificent structure, one of the things that stood out to me was that it took 120 years to build the ark. At that moment I clearly heard God say to me that:

When He gives you an assignment, there is going to be work to be done.

I’m sure that in the 120 years that it took Noah to build the ark, there were a lot of emotional highs and lows – times of victories and times of defeat (or at the very least, times that felt like defeat.) The one thing that is very clear in the story of Noah is this: there was a lot of ridicule and there was a lot of opposition – there were many who came against him.

Noah’s story is not much different than the life and circumstances we find ourselves in today. As sons and daughters of God, we have been given a job to do. We are to be His ambassadors here on earth.

We are supposed to be His voice, His hands, and His feet to the nations.

Statistically, the likelihood that we are the generation that could see the fulfillment of the Great Commission is great. The amount of prophecy that has been fulfilled just in the last 70 years is mind-boggling! How amazing to think that we (or our children) will see Jesus returning on the clouds!

We are to know the signs of the times. The times that we find ourselves in show that the purpose of the attack against the Church is to prevent us from working on and finishing our God-given commission.

Sadly, so many of our brothers and sisters don’t have the discernment to see the principalities that are at work across the world, trying to stop what the Spirit of God is doing. Ephesians 6:12 identifies what our fight is actually against saying,

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” 

Like Noah, we need to get out and do the work that necessary to accomplish the task set before us. We will likely face ridicule as Noah did, and we will have to give of our time and resources. Just like Noah, we will have to pay the price to get done what needs doing.

One of the truths that has seen me through the hard times is this:

Jesus never promised it would be easy…But He did promise that He would always be with us!

You may still be in a season of waiting, but don’t think that God has forgotten you. Keep your focus fixed on finishing the task He has set before you, regardless of how long it takes for you to accomplish it. You will see His salvation and your faithfulness will be rewarded for trusting His promise and persevering till the end!

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Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


Our global team conducts a variety of outreaches to encourage and equip the body of Christ. This includes evangelistic events, pastors and leaders conferences, marriage seminars, and specialized training based on present needs.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the nations. In times of of extreme need due to natural disasters, pandemics, wars, and famine we have the opportunity to show God’s love in a tangible way.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

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