Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

In his latest book “How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy,” Rick Renner writes a profound truth. He says, “We must not ignore alarming events transpiring in the world around us just because those events are not directly affecting us at the present moment.” There are many who have been minimally impacted financially, mentally, physically and spiritually by Covid 19. For that we give thanks to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!

We will all transition through these times in many different ways.

In His blessings we must be careful not to take for granted these days of resetting and recalibrating our lives. Truthfully there are issues, matters, lifestyles that we each must consider. There are those who didn’t need stimulus checks, are not going to be evicted from their dwellings, and have means for medicine, groceries and life’s necessities.

We must not ignore the fact that no matter how prudent we have been in lifestyle or careful in planning for the inevitable, the complexity and gravity of the times can blindside all of us. That which does not directly affect us in the present can catch up with us at any time. No one is exempt from experiencing the natural and spiritual devastation that has opened the “raw sewage” underbelly of America. It is true we have not navigated “this way” before. Therefore it must be done with great discernment.

We cry out for the spiritual gift of “discerning of spirits” mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:10.

In this critical time when lying and deception abound we must sort out truth from lies, the genuine from the counterfeit, good spirits from bad spirits, and the divine from the demonic. It is not the time to party but to pray. It is a time to be cautious and careful. When this crisis began, the Holy Spirit spoke several truths to me. One of those was to prepare myself to be a “healthy healer” to those who have been so devastated.

Often when we are well, we tend to forget those who aren’t. In these days there will be a fresh anointing to heal the bodies, souls and spirits of people. We must not just preserve ourselves, but serve others. There is a difference between earthly suffering and eternal suffering. We must not only minister materially to the massive hurts of others, but also bring them to Christ so they do not suffer eternally.

I have been in 96 nations and have seen massive suffering. All of us who travel to the nations experience the gut-wrenching angst of not being able to make a dent in the horrific plight of so many. Therefore we thrust ourselves on the mighty working of God to do what we can’t.

We are responsible for what we can do, not what we can’t!

“One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking up and gently throwing things into the ocean. Approaching the boy he asked: “Young man, what are you doing?” The boy replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

The man laughed to himself and said, ”Do you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make any difference.” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the surf. Smiling at the man, he said; “I made a difference to that one.” (Story adapted from Loren Eiseley.)

In prayer, surrender your heart to God for that one soul who is waiting. Opportunities are everywhere we turn. The fields are ripe unto harvest now! Our generation has the invitation from the Holy Spirit to reap! Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience.

Winston Churchill said,

“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

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Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


Our global team conducts a variety of outreaches to encourage and equip the body of Christ. This includes evangelistic events, pastors and leaders conferences, marriage seminars, and specialized training based on present needs.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the nations. In times of of extreme need due to natural disasters, pandemics, wars, and famine we have the opportunity to show God’s love in a tangible way.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

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