Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


Leave a lasting impact

You can be confident that the God-honoring work of disciple-making will continue into all the nations until He returns, and that the name above all names will indeed be praised over all the earth!

Sow the seed given of the Lord to you confidently into the rich soil of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth with Joshua Nations by including us in your estate and long-term financial planning.

There are many creative and flexible planned giving options that can benefit you now and the Kingdom on into the future. Just think of what God has in store for those who put their trust in Him

Sizeable Tax Break

From a financial perspective, the tax breaks are a huge advantage to making a planned giving arrangement. The specifics will vary on a case-by-case basis, but the tax breaks are significant for most.

When donors donate money to an annual fund, they have little say or control on how their money is spent within the organization. Planned giving puts the power into the donor’s hands and lets them specify how the gift will be used.

Many donors want to give a major gift in their lifetime, but don’t have the financial means to do so. Planned giving allows donors to give large gifts that help us continue our mission for generations to come.

Planned giving contributions are among the largest gifts a nonprofit will receive (each year), often 200 to 300 times the size of annual gifts.

What kind of gifts?

Potential gifts include but are not limited to:

Legacy giving brings about a variety of tax advantages and provides a level of certainty that your wealth continues to till the soil of the Kingdom for years to come.

You can direct your gift to a project that’s meaningful to you or make an unrestricted gift that will allow Joshua Nations to apply it where it will have the greatest impact at the time it arrives.

Leave a legacy of generosity

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

– 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Still have questions?


Resources entrusted to Joshua Nations are directed to the most strategic missions of your choosing.

Confidence In Giving

Joshua Nations honors the intent of all donors. Resources are stewarded with the highest level of integrity.

Contact us today to discuss your options.

Our Director of Development would be delighted to speak with you about your planned giving.

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Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


Our global team conducts a variety of outreaches to encourage and equip the body of Christ. This includes evangelistic events, pastors and leaders conferences, marriage seminars, and specialized training based on present needs.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the nations. In times of of extreme need due to natural disasters, pandemics, wars, and famine we have the opportunity to show God’s love in a tangible way.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

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