Founder’s Fund
Dr. Russ Frase Jr. (1944 - 2021)
Prior to founding Joshua Nations, Russ pastored for over 23 years and planted churches in Indiana, Texas, and Colorado. Additionally, Russ established and served as Dean of Rocky Mountain Bible Institute for 13 years and formally resided as national accrediting chairman of the International Accrediting Association of Colleges and Universities. He also hosted television programs on TBN and Daystar.
Russ provided apostolic oversight to several churches and regularly conducted leadership seminars. In conjunction with this, he continued to travel the world launching Joshua Nations Bible Training Centers. At the time of his death, Russ and his wife Lana had been married for more than 50 years.
Dr. Frase was a graduate of Luther Rice Seminary and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees.
Before Russ went to heaven, the last project we were discussing was reaching the unreached and unengaged people groups (UUPGs) in the nation of Chad. Over the last few years we have been working in the nation of Niger in partnership with City for the Nations, successfully reaching the final seven UUPGs with the gospel! Where there were NO Christians, and no one trying to reach them, we were able to train indigenous leaders and with the power of the Holy Spirit there are now over 2,000 believers!
With the success in Niger, we felt the Lord directing us to target Chad. The leaders in Niger want to help the leaders in Chad reach the 71 FPGs in their nation. THIS IS THE VERY THING RUSS FRASE WANTED WHEN HE STARTED JOSHUA NATIONS! Indigenous leaders reaching their nation and becoming missionaries to raise up other indigenous leaders. This is a BIG project, nearly eight times bigger than the project in Niger! We cannot do this alone and it will be the first project funded through the Russ Frase Founder’s Fund.
So, how can you help reach Chad? Research shows there are over 5.3 million people spread across the nation that have never heard the name of Jesus. With the number of identified people groups we estimate that at least 150 workers need to be trained, sent, and supported. Our plan of financial involvement is for three years, here are some breakdowns of ways you can be involved:
Sponsor A Team Of 2 Workers
We need 71 teams to reach the nation.
$600 month | $7200 year | $21,600 3 years
Sponsor A Training / Scouting Trip
We need to take approximately 2-3 trips per year
$5500 per event | $16,500 year | $49,500 3 years
Sponsor An Unreached Person Or Whole Group
Approximate cost per person based on total project cost
$4 per person | $30,400 per people group
Sponsor A Year Of Ministry
Our biggest financial involvement will be 3 years
$516,700 year | $1,550,100 total project cost
Still have questions?
Testimonies of transformation will be made available as the project progresses. Your investment will make an eternal impact.
Secure and Protected
We endeavor to protect and secure the identity of our colleagues and workers in these difficult nations.
Contact Us
Talk with one of our team members about the Founder’s Fund Project in CHAD or any other strategic initiative.