Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

Frontier People Groups

The Unreached & Unengaged

Frontier People Groups

A Frontier People Group (FPG) is an unreached and unengaged people group with virtually no followers of Jesus and no known movements to Jesus. These people groups are in need of cross-cultural workers to take the Gospel to them. Additionally, it is approximated that Frontier People Groups have 0.1% or fewer Christians in their population. Also, there is no confirmed sustained movement of the Gospel amongst the people group. In Frontier People Groups, pioneer workers are generally limited to starting with non-believers.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


Our global team conducts a variety of outreaches to encourage and equip the body of Christ. This includes evangelistic events, pastors and leaders conferences, marriage seminars, and specialized training based on present needs.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission
Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission


We are the hands and feet of Jesus in the nations. In times of of extreme need due to natural disasters, pandemics, wars, and famine we have the opportunity to show God’s love in a tangible way.

Joshua Nations Finish The Great Commission

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Jason Holland

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