(Un)Friendly Fire

(Un)Friendly Fire

“Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

There’s a saying I’ve heard for a while… “The Christian army is the only army in the world that shoots its wounded.” This statement may not be 100% accurate if you want to get legalistic… but that is my point!

So much legalistic, self-righteous criticism is “cloaked” in the disguise of “wanting truth to be known”. The art of decimating one another is a skill that has been finely honed in the Body of Christ. There’s no need for an “enemy” because we do an amazing job of criticizing, breaking one another down, and mocking other Believers, ministries and the like. We rejoice in their downfall, rather than coming to a brother in love and seeking restoration – being someone who extends healing.

We are inundated with articles and posts criticizing “performance-based praise and worship” or tearing down a worship leader or songwriter because he writes sub-standard lyrics (although many of his songs have blessed me tremendously)… Or we take delight in “ministries” aimed at exposing all the heresy it finds in other ministries… calling a certain ministry’s praise and worship “hype”… attacking ministers and totally negating the powerful impact his call to prayer has had and will have all because you don’t agree with his theology 100% or say he’s not qualified.

I’m so over that. The enemy does not need to even use unbelievers to divide us because THE BODY causes separation and hurt and pain and bitterness and unforgiveness and division and brokenness upon itself…..and it’s done in the name of righteousness.

While I recognize that there is a place for conviction, repentance and reconciliation – so often my heart is grieved because we’ve replaced those with condemnation, shaming and penance. One has love as it’s motive, the other is driven by bitterness or hate.

I wish I could eradicate every post that comes up in my feed that is negatively motivated, so that I wouldn’t even be tempted to read articles aimed specifically to bring disharmony and disunity. Why do we perpetuate this stuff?? If we see a ministry in the throes of a major crisis, do we pray that as little damage would be done to God’s work, or do we rejoice because they “had it coming”?? What’s our heart???

I’m waiting for the real Body to start truly emulating Love, and demonstrating His attributes. That’s what the broken world is looking for… not self-righteous Pharisees, but real men and women who are not perfect. Ones who love Jesus and are willing to extend that love and healing to others the way it was extended to them… What would our impact be then?

It all starts with Love – capitalized for a reason! From my vantage point, it sure doesn’t look like Christianity is winning this war. Ask yourself: am I building up or trashing someone else or a ministry? Your honest answer tells you which “side” you’re helping…

This world needs a real representation of Jesus.

Are you, am I, ready to be that to this lost and dying world?

The Art of Discipleship

The Art of Discipleship

For those of you who know me know that I am passionate about disciple making.

Making disciples is hard work you have to get your hands dirty spiritually speaking. You have to spend time with people day in and day out. You have to spend time with those who are loveable and those who might press your buttons on occasions. As the body of Christ, I realized that we have a problem with disciple-making.

Only a few years into my ministry in the villages of Sub-Saharan Africa, I realized that we have done an excellent job of making converts. For years the evangelists and evangelistic ministries have come through and they did a great job functioning in their calling – but the results are that these precious people have gotten saved (gave their lives to Christ) over and over again. Nobody has taken the time to explain to them that there is life after the encounter with the cross. It is my personal belief that this is why Christians struggle with their authority as a believer.

This is why we don’t see the “More things than I have done, you shall do.”

Discipleship is a lifestyle. It is not only the responsibility of the church to do discipleship, but also the responsibility of the believer to seek out discipleship. Therein lays the secret of the individual’s personal relationship with the Father.

Realize that Jesus died to reconcile you/us back to the Father and because of His sacrifice you and I can now go into the throne room of the Father and make our petitions known directly to God the Father. This realization is the catalyst that could completely change the life of an individual. Can you imagine if you recognized when praying that you are in the throne room? How much power you actually have been given to move heaven and earth with your prayers?

That’s why our directive is to go and make disciples.

Mat.28: 18-20

Jesus said “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe every thing that I have commanded you; and I will be with you, even to the end of the age.”

We are to go and help people learn about Jesus, to believe in Jesus and to obey His words. We also see here that Jesus never promised that it would be easy, but the promise is that He would be with us. So many times at the altar call, we are promised that if we receive Jesus He will help make our lives easier. Life is hard! I don’t know how people do life with out Jesus – I sure can’t.

So here is a question for you. If we are not helping people to learn more about Jesus to believe in Jesus and teaching them to obey His words – are we not the ones being disobedient to the one to whom all authority has been given to?

I write this not as a rebuke or to bring condemnation. My heart is to challenge you. What is your part in the body when it comes to the mandate of “go and make disciples?”

I believe you have a part to play, what that will look like is between you and the Father. All I know is you have a purpose and what you have to offer can make a difference in the lives of others! As for me, I decided a long time ago what makes my life worth living is using the time I have on earth to change the lives of others for the better. I love my God, I love His people and out of that ministry flows.


Spirit Sensitive

Spirit Sensitive

How do we honor the Holy Spirit? Do we honor Him fully in all aspects of our lives?`

There is one area where I have a burden that I don’t know how to communicate well enough or have the right words to say, I’m sure that these thoughts and my heart could be twisted or taken out of context, but I hope I communicate this out of love.

I believe we’ve made an idol out of reaching the unsaved too often in our lives and churches. Or perhaps sometimes it’s fear of man – twisted to look like we’re putting the “point-of-view” of the unbeliever first.

What is an idol? It is simply something that sits in the place that should be reserved for the Lord. The top place of our hearts, the most important, our focus and our gaze. “Idol” sounds like such a strong word and many think that it is inherently an evil thing – but even good things become idols if they reside in the area of our lives that should be for our God.

We cannot diminish, hide, or reserve the Holy Spirit in order to be more approachable.

Who convicts sinners? (John 16:8) Who brings the revelation of who God is? (Ephesians 1:17)

Why do some believe they will be MORE effective at reaching the lost when they ask their church members to stop inviting the full depth of the Holy Spirit? That’s ministering with both arms tied behind our back. We are not salesmen. Let God the Holy Spirit work on man’s heart – and then present the simple Gospel! Don’t you remember getting saved? Why did you say yes?! Take a minute and honestly remember and contemplate it. Where were you, what was presented, and what was happening in your heart and soul leading up to your yes?

In your personal life and ministry, you absolutely won’t be as effective if you believe you can talk someone into salvation.

Pursue depth in your personal life to uncover and search out more and more of the heart of God. Fall in love with the bridegroom and I promise that you will fall more in love with the bride. In my life, I need more hunger. I want more passion, more zeal. I have tried to love my neighbor more, I have prayed for more love for my fellow man. But I find that as I fall more in love with my Father, my Friend and my Comforter – that I have more love for man, my community and even my family.

Don’t put the Holy Spirit on a shelf – especially during church. Worship, pray and be fed from a house that pushes you into deeper love with Jesus (in all His fullness). Let our character exude the fruit of the Spirit. Let our lives be marked by answered prayers, the testimony of His faithfulness and even miracles.

“If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.” – John 10:37-38

Our gatherings ought to look like something. Our lives ought to look like something. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control are all yours if you will live life out of the Spirit.

I’m speaking right to my own heart: stop replacing the Holy Spirit with knowledge, charm or charisma. Stop thinking you know better how to love the lost than the One who died so they could be saved. Stop dishonoring the Holy Spirit by placing him on a shelf or ever viewing Him as anything less than fully God.

I’m working to fall more in love and pursue depth with the bridegroom – and I’d encourage everyone else to as well – for from that relationship we will discover love for the lost. God is actively working to call the unbeliever home – let us not think we know better than Him or that we can put a prettier face on Him first. Let’s be sure to carry the Holy Spirit boldly and give the unsaved soul the opportunity to recognize what it is longing for – both in church and in our everyday lives.

You need more yeast in the air

You need more yeast in the air

My mom was known to everyone in our church and community for her hospitality and skills in the kitchen. It would surprise many who knew her that she did not learn to cook until after she married my dad. The women in my dad’s family were all of American pioneer stock. They baked their own bread, canned fresh fruit and vegetables from their farms, made jam, and always had baked goods ready either fresh or in the freezer if caught totally unprepared. Evening meals were shared at a table filled with homemade food.

Without the skills to prepare meals my dad enjoyed; my mom made herself a student of his family. She learned to cook by spending time with my grandma, great-grandma, and aunts – all who lived on the same street in our small town. One day my mom decided to try to make fresh bread, so she went to my great-grandma’s house who made THE best bread. She learned, watched, listened, took notes and then went home to try her hand at it. What she ended up with at the end of a long day was a ‘loaf’ of bread that didn’t rise and was barely good for croutons. She ended up back in my great-grandma’s kitchen crying tears of frustration holding her sad bread.

My grandma smiled at her, wiped her tears, and said, “Lena, it is ok! You just need more yeast in the air.” 

Off my mom went. She baked bread every day for almost a week. My dad came home from work one day and looked at all the loaves of bread in surprise. He asked mom if there was a special event coming up that she needed all that bread. Full of confidence she told him what great-grandma had said, and that it worked because the bread was coming out so much better, almost perfect!  Dad chuckled to himself and went to clean up for dinner…which for sure was going to include fresh bread. 

What dad didn’t tell mom at that moment, was that there is no such thing as ‘yeast in the air’. What great-grandma was able to do is get my mom to practice, and practice, and practice without ever telling her that her first loaf was a failure. 

Recently, I have found myself relearning to cook and bake. Due to health issues with our son, Judah, we are having to drastically change our diet which includes cutting out many foods that I am used to making. For the first time in my life, I am unsure in the kitchen. I don’t know what I am doing and I do not have confidence that the finished product will be edible. I am using ingredients I have never used before, and the process is totally foreign. 

The other day I was frustrated while rolling some dough that was not cooperating. As I stood at the counter, my great-grandma’s words rang through my ears. “Anna, you just need more yeast in the air!” Standing at my counter I took a deep breath. I can do this! I just need more practice! It actually turned out good enough to be edible.

How many times do we find ourselves at a point of frustration in our life and our instinct is to give up or have someone else do it? Or we expect positive results without putting in the time to perfect the process or deepen the relationship? You need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a strong prayer life – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a deeper relationship with God – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to be more skilled at a hobby – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a better marriage – you need more yeast in the air!

The Bible has many verses on persistence, perseverance, and the prize at the end if we endure. Wherever you are, whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, my encouragement to you is the same as my great-grandma, “Sweetheart, you just need more yeast in the air.”




The Lord has been working on me and my focus. Many days it seems that I am all over the place with everything that needs to be done.  From the Joshua Nations office, to my personal development, to taking care of my family – I am pulled a million directions every day. None of this is new and I know it is not isolated to me. 

I have never really been one to get a ‘word’ for the year. I know that others have gotten one, but until this year I never really thought I had that one singular word. This year, I got one. It wasn’t an audible voice, but a very vivid word picture. The word was “Targeted.” 

Targeted in what? I really believe God was calling me to bring into focus four specific areas of my life. These areas translate to every believer and encompass every part of our lives. So simply, God is positioning my whole life to being targeted for full blessing.

Blessing? What do I mean by that? The Bible is quite clear when God gives us something He will bless it IF we steward it well. If we don’t steward His gifts well, even what we have will be taken from us. (Matt 25:29 and Luke 19:26) 

Four areas I want to target for blessing:

1. TIME (Eph 5:15-16; Psalm 90:12; Prov 27:1; James 4:13-14: Prov 6:6-8; Prov 20:13; Prov. 6:9; Prov 10:4)

How often do you find yourself saying, “I was going to do that, but I just didn’t have time.”? This could totally be a true statement, but if we are being honest with ourselves, it is usually because we didn’t carve out the time. We made the choice to watch a movie, scroll social media, watch short videos on YouTube or TikTok, read a leisure book, or take a nap.  None of these things are inherently wrong, but if we should be applying our time to something productive, then it can become a serious detriment in our lives.  

Suggestion: Start a time journal. Begin writing down what you do each day, and how much time you spend on it.  At the end of a month add up your time in four areas: Sleep, Work, Leisure, Productivity. The last one would be things like working out, devotional time, cleaning the house, etc.

God has given us a specific number of days. How are you using them?

2. TALENT(1 Peter 4:10; 1 Cor 10:31; Rom 12:6-8)

Each of us has an important role in the church and the world as a whole. God has placed into each of us talents, with a purpose to further His kingdom on this earth. Often these talents are things we find pleasure in doing – serving, hosting, writing, painting, skilled labor, decorating, cooking. Whatever it may be, whatever you do, it should be done to glorify God! Often we want others to recognize these talents for us – why? You don’t need human affirmation, even though that is nice. Just like when Moses was offering excuses to God for freeing the Israelites and God said, “What is in your hand?” and He used the staff Moses carried every day to perform miracle after miracle. 

Suggestion: Find what you love to do and LOOK for ways to be a blessing with it. 

God has given us specific talents. How are you using them?

3. TREASURE (Ecclesiastes 5:10, Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 3:9-10, Psalms 81:10, Luke 11:42)

Oh, this a fun one. Money. Especially in America this is something no one wants to touch – mainly because many times in the past it was abused by the church. I am not going to talk about, “If you give $10 God will multiply that gift with 100X the money.” Guess what? You might NOT receive a financial return. That is not what God has promised us. 

I am so blessed that we GET to worship our Heavenly Father with our financial gifts. As a family, we tithe 10% to our local church. Then from there, we give to other ministries and missionaries. It is an honor to work hand in hand with the local church and the global church to further His Kingdom. We may never receive multiplied financial blessings here on earth, but you know what we will be able to do?  When we arrive in heaven those treasures of worship will be stored where moth and rust can not destroy. Those treasures will be given to us and we will be able to lay them at the feet of our God in the ultimate worship service. Oh! I don’t want my hands to be full on earth only to stand empty handed in heaven. 

Suggestion: If you are not tithing now, start small with anything. Just be consistent. Tithing, but not giving over and above? Begin with a monthly gift to a mission you are passionate about and grow. 

God has given us the finances we need to take this world for Him. How are you using them?

4. TEMPLE (1 Corinthians 3:6-7, 6:19-20, and 9:27; Romans 12:1, Ephesians 2:10)

Money might have been a tough point for some people. If it wasn’t – this fourth point might be. The temple of God is our body. We are given one body to steward in this life on earth. Yes, the earth is a fallen place and sometimes we are afflicted with health issues not of our own making. I get that and I’m not one to say that if you are sick, you are doing something wrong. However! That is not a pass to treat your body however you please. If you are not able to discipline your body to give it the best possible chance of serving our God for more days and to bring more people into the Kingdom, why should our God give you more days? 

A few years ago, my husband and I both realized that we were not stewarding our bodies well.  All while continuing to steward our time, talent, and treasure – we added our temple to that list. This has allowed us to use those other talents to higher degree. It wasn’t pretty when we started, definitely not “Instagram beautiful.” We were sweaty and my husband’s choice of running for exercise started with what we called “the fat man shuffle” around the block. A lot of people ask us how we stay motivated to work out and make wise food choices. We don’t!  Motivation is a feeling. We stay committed and consistent – it is a choice, not a feeling!

Suggestion: Start somewhere – whether walking around the block, going to the gym, finding a workout group, or swimming. Just start and stay CONSISTENT!! You can do it! Find someone to keep you accountable. It is huge to have my husband working out and encouraging me as well.  We push each other to be better!

God has given you one body to use for His Glory. How are you using it?