How to love others the right way
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How to love others the right way

Christians are commissioned to do a variety of activities that exemplify the heart of our Father. First and foremost, we are challenged by the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus. This activity requires our personal involvement in Gospel work both locally and to the ends of the earth. Most Christians struggle to respond to the Great Commission and therefore we are still working towards fulfilling Jesus’ command nearly 2,000 years later.

Throughout Scripture the heart of God has been expressed through His desire to offer relationship, reconciliation, salvation, healing, and deliverance. This loving expression is made manifest in the Great Commission of Jesus. Yet, the activity of going and preaching is not sufficient in itself. The Lord requires of us more. He requires love!

The love of the Lord is peppered throughout all of Scripture. When you read the Word, you will find God’s love over and over. Sometimes His love is very apparent, and other times it is an underlying subtext of His guidance, correction, or even discipline. For us to love others we need to embrace the various forms of God’s love. As we read in Psalm 82:3-4, “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Many churches get it wrong. Many Christians get it wrong too. If we are not actively engaged in giving justice to the weak and fatherless and fighting for those who are the downtrodden, we are missing it. Our role is to love the unloved, fight for those who cannot fight for themselves; and when necessary, lay down our lives for others.

John 15:3 “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

Paul admonishes us who are strong to bear others up and lay down our own selfishness. The next time you see someone in need, what will you do? The next time you see injustice taking place, what will you do? The next time you see someone going without the resources they need, what will you do?

Romans 15:1 “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”

Give yourself today to be used by the Lord by extending His love. Allow Him to love through you in new ways according to His Word. It’s more than a hug and a passing prayer. His love is active!



As Christians, we can find opportunities to preach the Gospel and pray for fellow brothers and sisters in need everywhere! All you need is a little discernment – mixed with some boldness. The secret ingredient to both is practice!

I don’t get it right 100% of the time… but I give 100% every time God opens a door for me to walk through and minister to someone. My aim is to make the most of every opportunity He presents to me. People are more open to being ministered to more than you would think… especially at the moment in history in which we find ourselves.

Recently, at one of my son’s wrestling matches, I found myself sitting amongst the “opposition”. Would you believe that God opened a door for me to talk to the parent sitting next to me? After some good discussion back and forth, this mother asked me to talk to her 18-year-old son. I thought, “What do I have to say to an 18-year-old young man?” As he walked over, I heard Holy Spirit clearly say to me, “Be interested in him and what he wants to do.”

Well, being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading culminated in me laying hands on him along with his Mom and Dad! Yes, right there in the middle of a Middle School wrestling match I was able to pray and prophesy over this precious, young man!

Over the years of living a life of ministry, I have only encountered one person who refused my offer to pray for them! I have seen the Lord meet people right where their faith was and it has caused my own faith to grow at the same time.

I have nothing “more” or “greater” than you… I am simply willing to take that “step of faith”. So, if you are reading this, I want to challenge you to step out in faith and allow God to use you. Over time you will also stand in amazement in just how much He uses you – just the way you are!!!

Ukraine Crisis

Ukraine Crisis


Listen in on a conversation with Jason Holland and Gena K. who serves in Belarus, Ukraine and in Eastern Europe. We are partnering together to provide support for the refugees who are fleeing war. Gena shares a bit of perspective and also some key prayer points.