You need more yeast in the air

My mom was known to everyone in our church and community for her hospitality and skills in the kitchen. It would surprise many who knew her that she did not learn to cook until after she married my dad. The women in my dad’s family were all of American pioneer stock. They baked their own bread, canned fresh fruit and vegetables from their farms, made jam, and always had baked goods ready either fresh or in the freezer if caught totally unprepared. Evening meals were shared at a table filled with homemade food.

Without the skills to prepare meals my dad enjoyed; my mom made herself a student of his family. She learned to cook by spending time with my grandma, great-grandma, and aunts – all who lived on the same street in our small town. One day my mom decided to try to make fresh bread, so she went to my great-grandma’s house who made THE best bread. She learned, watched, listened, took notes and then went home to try her hand at it. What she ended up with at the end of a long day was a ‘loaf’ of bread that didn’t rise and was barely good for croutons. She ended up back in my great-grandma’s kitchen crying tears of frustration holding her sad bread.

My grandma smiled at her, wiped her tears, and said, “Lena, it is ok! You just need more yeast in the air.” 

Off my mom went. She baked bread every day for almost a week. My dad came home from work one day and looked at all the loaves of bread in surprise. He asked mom if there was a special event coming up that she needed all that bread. Full of confidence she told him what great-grandma had said, and that it worked because the bread was coming out so much better, almost perfect!  Dad chuckled to himself and went to clean up for dinner…which for sure was going to include fresh bread. 

What dad didn’t tell mom at that moment, was that there is no such thing as ‘yeast in the air’. What great-grandma was able to do is get my mom to practice, and practice, and practice without ever telling her that her first loaf was a failure. 

Recently, I have found myself relearning to cook and bake. Due to health issues with our son, Judah, we are having to drastically change our diet which includes cutting out many foods that I am used to making. For the first time in my life, I am unsure in the kitchen. I don’t know what I am doing and I do not have confidence that the finished product will be edible. I am using ingredients I have never used before, and the process is totally foreign. 

The other day I was frustrated while rolling some dough that was not cooperating. As I stood at the counter, my great-grandma’s words rang through my ears. “Anna, you just need more yeast in the air!” Standing at my counter I took a deep breath. I can do this! I just need more practice! It actually turned out good enough to be edible.

How many times do we find ourselves at a point of frustration in our life and our instinct is to give up or have someone else do it? Or we expect positive results without putting in the time to perfect the process or deepen the relationship? You need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a strong prayer life – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a deeper relationship with God – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to be more skilled at a hobby – you need more yeast in the air!

Want to have a better marriage – you need more yeast in the air!

The Bible has many verses on persistence, perseverance, and the prize at the end if we endure. Wherever you are, whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, my encouragement to you is the same as my great-grandma, “Sweetheart, you just need more yeast in the air.”

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Dr. Dinesh S. Michel



Strategies for Pastors and Leaders

Dr. Dinesh S. Michel

Loneliness is a common human experience that transcends age, occupation, and social status. Even in the context of church ministry, where pastors and leaders are surrounded by a congregation, it’s possible to feel isolated and alone. This article explores the unique challenges of loneliness within church ministry and offers strategies that I myself am using to combat it.

The Loneliness Paradox

At first glance, it might seem paradoxical that individuals in church ministry, who are often surrounded by a community of believers, can experience loneliness. However, ministry can be isolating for several reasons:

Role Expectations:

​ Pastors and leaders are often seen as spiritual guides, and there’s an expectation that they should have it all together. This can make it challenging for them to admit their struggles, including loneliness.

Lack of Peer Relationships:

​ While pastors and leaders have strong connections with their congregations, they may lack close peer relationships within their own ministry circles. They often shoulder the burdens of others but may not have someone to share their own burdens with.

High Stress Levels:

​ The demands of church ministry, including sermon preparation, pastoral care, and administrative tasks, can lead to high stress levels. This stress can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Strategies to Combat Loneliness

  1. Seek Accountability:

    Pastors and leaders should actively seek out mentors or peers with whom they can build accountability relationships. These relationships provide a safe space to share struggles and receive support.

  2. Prioritize Self-Care:

    Ministry can be all-consuming, leaving little time for personal well-being. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care, including regular exercise, rest, and time for hobbies that bring joy and relaxation.

  3. Establish Boundaries:

    Set clear boundaries for work hours and responsibilities. Overextending oneself can lead to burnout and increased feelings of loneliness.

  4. Foster Peer Connections:

    Create opportunities for pastors and leaders within your church community to connect and build peer relationships. This can be done through small groups, retreats, or regular meetings specifically for leaders.

  5. Spiritual Discipline:

    Deepen your spiritual discipline. Regular prayer, meditation of the word, and reflection can provide a sense of connection with God, helping to alleviate loneliness.

  6. Professional Counseling:

    Don’t hesitate to seek professional counseling if loneliness becomes overwhelming. Therapists can provide guidance and support to address these feelings.

Loneliness in church ministry is a real and challenging issue. However, with awareness and proactive steps, pastors and leaders can combat these feelings and create a more supportive and connected ministry environment. Remember that it’s okay to seek help and that you don’t have to battle loneliness alone. By prioritizing self-care, seeking peer relationships, and deepening your spiritual discipline, you can find greater fulfillment and connectedness in your ministry journey.

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